=====data Keyword 2===== stack (LIFO or FIFO?) ====Definition==== LIFO is an acronym that stands for "Last In, First Out." When it comes to stacks, functions and procedures that are running become stacked on top of one another in memory (called a "push"). When an item is removed from the stack (or "popped"), it is removed from the top down. This computing action allows for stack integrity, and limits access/insertion. FIFO means "First In, First Out." In this regard, data and processing are handled on a first come, first serve basis through usage of a queue (or linear data structure). The first process in line is handled before any others are, and then the next, and so on. ====References==== List any sites, books, or sources utilized when researching information on this topic. (Remove any filler text). * "LIFO(computing)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIFO_%28computing%29 * "FIFO" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIFO * "Stacks and Queues" http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/43stack/ =====data Keyword 2 Phase 2===== doubly linked list ====Definition==== A doubly linked list a a method of storing data.\\ The manner in which the data is stored is by a series of structs. There will be a variable that will always point to the first struct, and if you want there can be one to always point to the last struct.\\ Every struct has a minimum of three variables contained within - the data value, a pointer to the struct after it, and a pointer to the struct before it. These pointers is how one will navigate these structs, it is how they are linked together.\\ ====References==== No references for this keyword. ====Demonstration==== Demonstration of the indicated keyword. If you wish to aid your definition with a code sample, you can do so by using a wiki **code** block, an example follows: /* * Sample code block */ #include int main() { return(0); } Alternatively (or additionally), if you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows: lab46:~$ cd src lab46:~/src$ gcc -o hello hello.c lab46:~/src$ ./hello Hello, World! lab46:~/src$