=====unix Keyword 2===== shell ====Definition==== A shell acts as the interface between a user and an operating system in which the user can launch other programs or access directories. There are two types of shells, command line or graphical. A windows operating system uses the graphical interface Windows Explorer to allow users to access programs and view files, where as a Unix systems tend to use the command line interfaces wherein text is typed at the command line prompt in order to launch programs and enter commands to view directories. ====References==== * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_(computing)]] * __Harley Hahn's Guide to Unix and Linux__ by Harley Hahn =====unix Keyword 2 Phase 2===== here string ====Definition==== The symbol for a here string is <<< . A here string puts whatever input you want into a command. Like bc <<< 2+2 sends 2+2 into the calculator and it will come back as 4. So it does the operation in one step instead of going into the calculator and typing 2+2 or whatever you want to solve. ====References==== * Notes from when we talked about here strings and the binary calculator. ====Demonstration==== Demonstration of here string lab46:~$ bc <<< 86+24 110