=====talk/ytalk===== Let's talk. ====Definition==== **talk** is a program that provides visual communication between **two** parties via text through the terminal. ( **//talk//** //person// ) Using this command alone will prompt the second party with the following message: * Message from TalkDaemon@his_machine... * **talk**: connection requested by your_name@your_machine. * **talk**: respond with: **talk** your_name@your_machine At this point, the terminal will be now a chat window between the two parties. Both parties can type at the same time since their text appears in different parts of the window. To exit the window, use CTRL + C **ytalk** is a program that provides visual communication between **multiple** parties via text through the terminal. It's basically the same program as talk, only it allows for multiple connections. ( **ytalk [-s] [-Y] [-E] [-i] [-q] [-v] [-h** hostname_or_ip] username... ) The username portion can be formatted in the following ways: * name - some user on your machine * name@host - some user on a different machine * name#tty - some user on a particular terminal * name#tty@host - some user on a particular tty on a different machine * name@host#tty - same as "name#tty@host" * aliasname - an alias defined in your .ytalkrc You can also specify multiple usernames on the command line with ytalk ( **ytalk** george fred@hissun.edu marc@grumpy.cc ) Say hello to the options: * -s option starts your YTalk window in a shell. * -Y option requires a capital Y or N as an answer to any yes/no question. * -E option requires you to press escape once before answering a yes/no question (for people who type looking at the keyboard). * -i option disables the auto-invite port (meaning you won't see "talk to blah@blah.com", but your talk daemon will beep you instead). * -q option causes YTalk to prompt you before quitting. * -v option prints the program version and exits. * -h option specifies the name or address of the local machine; this is useful on multi-homed machines, or virtual hosts, to specify which network interface to use for communication. More to be added with more awesome details to come. ====References==== * [[http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_talk.htm]] * [[http://linux.die.net/man/1/ytalk]] =====unix Keyword 3 Phase 2===== Tail ====Definition==== The tail command allows you to grab the last line(s) from the output of a previous command or from a file. Unless you specify the number of lines that you would like the command to grab, it will default to return the last ten lines. In order to specify the the number of lines, add -# (# being the actual number if lines you want to grab) to the command. ====References==== List any sites, books, or sources utilized when researching information on this topic. (Remove any filler text). * Professor Haas, In class discussion - 11-9-12. ====Demonstration==== Demonstration of the indicated keyword. If you wish to aid your definition with a code sample, you can do so by using a wiki **code** block, an example follows: /* * Sample code block */ #include int main() { return(0); } Alternatively (or additionally), if you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows: lab46:~$ cd src lab46:~/src$ gcc -o hello hello.c lab46:~/src$ ./hello Hello, World! lab46:~/src$