======Part 2====== =====Entries===== ====Entry 1:UNIX October 12, 2012==== In class today we began talking about programming. We walked through through the different languages or tools available to the average programer to complete certain tasks. Some of the different types of languages are logical, procedural, functional etc... These different types all have there purpose and are used for different tasks. Then we talked about the different levels of programming languages such as the assembly language which is very low level all the way up to c++ which is much higher lever. Then we wrote and compiled Hello.c. All the concepts talked about today made sense to me. I am not really facing any challenges with this course. ====Entry 2: UNIX October 19, 2012==== Today we began by talking about the ps command like we talked about last class. We got into ps aux which shows all the processes running on the system. Then we talked about the command top. Top shows you the top running programs on the system at that time and it also refreshes itself! Also a command called whowatch became apparent to us. we then began talking bout and using the sed command which is a stream editor with that and the cut command we were able to edit our output of ps aux to what we wanted. * just a cool what to see what is running on the system. *all of this made sense ====Entry 3: DATA October 31, 2012==== On the dark Halloween day we started to talk about the binary tree. They seem to be very useful in the sense that they can be used for sorting automatically. There very structure allows them to sort. There are also many ways to implement them such as recursion, iteration, and even stacks. We then talked about infix notation and how the computer does the math functions different than we do. we will writ an equations (2+3)*6 and the computer will do 2 3 + 6 *. so 2 3 and the operation and do that 6 * (six times) * This was very interesting seeing the logic to this after trying our own implementation of a sort * seems very simple i am excited to attempt implementing it. *I am not really sure what is not making sense because i have not played with it yet. ====Entry 4: UNIX October 31, 2012==== In class today we did more with editing a string. We used the file spring2013-20121026.html. Most of our experimentation consisted of the sed command to replace strings of characters with other things to make the string more useful. Many times we removed a ton of code. In this case the file was an html file so after removing all the html code the file became very useful. This was very eye opening someone who was experienced with these techniques could especially get a ton of information very quickly and efficiently from different sources. * I just need more practice using the sed command and scanning for useful information in various files. =====Keywords===== {{page>datapart2&nofooter}} {{page>discretepart2&nofooter}} {{page>unixpart2&nofooter}} =====Experiment 2===== ====Question==== Is it possible to run an Nvidia GPU running two monitors and a ATI GPU running a third? ====Resources==== After asking some Questions around the LAIR it was apparent that it was possible but could be a bit weird. After looking online i also fiound information agreeing that it would be possible. So i thought i would give it a try. Source's: -Wisdom and Knowledge resonating from the LAIR -http://www.techradar.com/us/news/computing-components/peripherals/the-complete-guide-to-multiple-monitors-1074313 ====Hypothesis==== I believe this will be possible based on what I had read and heard so basically i just decided to go full throttle and just give it a whirl. ====Experiment==== I am going to install an ATI graphics card borrowed from the LAIR's vast resources and start op my machine and see what happens. ====Data==== upon starting the computer the drivers for the graphics card were automatically installed and then i restarted the computer. Then I began to attempt to configure the tipple monitor display. In my case it was fairly easy, I stared blankly at the configuration window and wondered why it was not using the third monitor. In the middle of staring Pressly came over and simple told the Nvidia card to use the card. THEN! MAGICALLY it came alive. The point is though it did nopt give me any problems and was very simple to get the system to work. ====Analysis==== Based on the data collected: * The hypothesis was correct * I actually thought there would be more to it than there was. The process ended up being very simple. * Having two different GPU's for three monitors could have limitations especially when one is not as advanced. ====Conclusions==== I have ascertained that the idea will work and for my application i will have no problems. If i wanted to play games on the other hand although not tested there could be some problems.