=====Link layer===== ====Definition==== The link layer is the lowest level in the TCP/IP model. It is a level that contains methods and protocols that only work on the hosts link. It is used in the connections of LAN and WAN, like a phone service that is local to a group or organization and maybe they will eventually branch out onto a WAN connection. This layer is to help connection 2 or more clients to be able to connect and communicate effectively. ====References==== List any sites, books, or sources utilized when researching information on this topic. (Remove any filler text). * Reference 1 * Reference 2 * Reference 3 =====datacomm Keyword 1 Phase 2===== VoIP. Voice overlay Internet Proticol ====Definition==== a system and internet proticol that allows to transmite and receive human voice form one place to another much like the preadvent the tele phone which is analog but in order to use it via computer and the interwebs u need to digitize the sound wave length, tone and pitch of a human voice then transmit via the VoIP system which im not intirely sure of all that happens. ====References==== * Astrisk pbx * Astrisk pbx wikipedia * netcat * netcat wikipedia * VoIp Wikipedia ====Demonstration==== * http://computer.howstuffworks.com/ip-telephony1.htm Basically voip is like any other telephone except it is used threw the computer. You can connect to someone over the internet or someone inside your home. There is no code or executions to demonstrate how this works, download a voip softphone and boom! discover its magic by dialing in a number or 2.