======Introduction====== My name is Josh Davis, been around for almost 26 years. I have always had a hobby in computers, and due to conflict of interests from my last employer(Kennedy Valve) I decided going back to school was one of my smartest options. I Went to school in 2005-2006, and had no real idea of what it was that I was interested in really learning. Luckily through working enough factory jobs, I decided to pursue something in relation to what has always been a hobby. So with that in mind the classes I am taking partially some self interest and the other part requirements for the degree I wish to have. My plans after CCC is a little rough at the moment, but with interests with building computers and working on them, networking, and computer languages. My hopes are that with the classes I am taking, I will get a good general idea as to what it is and where it is that I wanna end up at in life, and the path I will be taking to get there. A Web page with more details such as, email, resume, about me, and objectives can be found at: http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/~jdavis34/aboutme.html