======TPB2====== =====TOOLBOX===== file(1) xxd(1) cut(1) lzma(1) ls(1) rev(1) ar(1) xz(1) grep(1) tar(1) sha384sum(1) gzip(1) head(1) uudecode(1) unzip(1) tac(1) tr(1) base64(1) bzip2(1) =====file(1) tool operation===== =====base64 encoding format===== base64 has, as the name implies, 64 unique characters that can represent different values. the characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /. A-Z represents values 0-25 in decimal. a-z represents values 26-51. 0-9 represents 52-61. + = 62, and / = 63.