======C4ENG CLASS NOTES PAGE====== ====Unix/Linux:==== * cd - change directory * cd tmp * ~ - home directory * cd ~ * / - root directory * cd / * sudo - super user * sudo shutdown -h now * ssh - secure shell to a remote machine * ssh remoteMachine * ssh remoteMachine@ipaddress * mkdir - makes a directory of your choice in current directory * mkdir directoryName * rm - deletes argument file * rm fileName * rmdir - deletes directory in argument with no files inside it * rmdir directory name * touch - makes a file in the current directory with the name of your choice * touch fileName * ls - shows files and directories within current directory * ls -l -shows files and directories within directory with shielding info * nano - a text editor * nano fileName * scp - secure copy to or from a remote machine via local host or remote host * scp fileName user@machine: * make - builds a program based on a make file * whoami - returns the current user ====Mercurial:==== * fixrepo - repository reset * hg status - see states of files * hg add - adds files to repository * hg commit -m "message" - commits to repository with a message * hg push - pushes files to repository * hg update -C - reverts uncommitted changes in the working directory * hg merge - starts a merge between two heads ====Raspberry Pi:==== *sudo shutdown -h now - shutdown Pi *gpio readall - displays the status of the General Purpose Input Output pins on the Pi *gpio mode pinNumber Status - sets the pin number to IN or OUT *gpio write pinNumber Status - sets the value of the pin number to 1(one) or 0(zero) ====Lab 46 Shell:==== *status desig - shows completed class tasks and upcoming due projects