Several mailing lists are hosted at Lab46 for use with many of our classes. Information on the various lists can be found in the following table: ^ List Name ^ Description ^ |[[|COMPESS]]|CSCS1200 Computer Essentials Class Discussion List| |[[|SOOPS]]|CSCS1240 Structured and Object-Oriented Problem Solving (SOOPS) Class Discussion List| |[[|CPROG]]|CSCS1320 C/C++ Programming Class Discussion List| |[[|UNIX]]|CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Class Discussion List| |[[|HPC]]|HPC Classes Discussion List| |[[|DATA]]|CSCS2320 Data Structures Class Discussion List| |[[|DISCRETE]]|CSCS2330 Discrete Structures Class Discussion List| |[[|ASM]]|CSCS2650 Computer Organization Class Discussion List| |[[|DATACOMM]]|CSCS2700 Data Communications Class Discussion List| |[[|SYS]]|CSCS2730 and CSIT2320 "Systems" Classes Discussion List| |[[|OOP]]|CSST1600 Object-Oriented Programming for Non-Majors (OOP) Class Discussion List| To participate in a list, you must first subscribe. Then, posts to the list will be received to the e-mail address you subscribed with. To send a message to a list, you'd compose a new e-mail using the account you subscribed with, and send it to: \\ //LISTNAME// \\ Be sure to use an appropriate subject line and then attend to the body of the message.