STATUS updates
======TODO====== * the formular plugin is giving me errors, need to figure this out (email assignment form) * update grade not-z scripts to handle/be aware of winter terms * update system page for (new)www * redo DSLAB tweedledee/tweedledum with squeeze rebuilt tweedledee, tweedledum on the way * rebuild DSLAB www, irc, auth as squeeze VMs * load balance/replicate www/wiki content between LAIR and DSLAB * adapt LAIR irc and lab46 to use self-contained kernels (how to do this?) * update system page for db * migrate nfs1/nfs2 system page to current wiki * update nfs1/nfs2 to squeeze * flake* multiseat page ======URLs====== Some links of interest: * [[|LLVM]] * [[|GLglobe]] * [[|Heavens Above]] * * * * [[docs/plan9|My Plan9 Documentation page]] * [[system/sokraits_halfadder.offbyone.lan|The Sokraits/Halfadder System Documentation page]] * * * * [[|BitSavers]] * [[|Time Zone HTML5 app]] * * Divergent Thinking * * * * Socket Programming * * * * * * * ALIX * * * (IDE 44-pin pin-out) * BeagleBoard * * Xen * (OpenBSD HVM) * * * * ======Other Days====== ======January 30th, 2013====== =====nfs1 ready to come back online===== I discovered that I did run a cable between the NFS's... tried bringing NFS1 back up, but it caused load to be extraordinarily high and impacted performance, so I took it back down. Will likely aim for a weekend resync. ======January 23rd, 2013====== =====day of LAIR===== Spent pretty much the whole day in the LAIR--- 9am-6pm. It was a blast. The multiseat machines held up admirably. ======January 22nd, 2013====== =====stuff===== My classes pretty much all start tomorrow.. taking advantage of this free Tuesday to put finishing touches on things. Claimed one of the pod spots by LAIReast as my unofficial office. ======January 19th, 2013====== =====VLAN overhaul===== Spent some quality time on this Saturday applying some sanity to the network. Made some pretty diagrams. ======January 18th, 2013====== =====Startup===== The semester starts next week! We'll be ready. Deployed the interim replacement c107a-fs. ======January 17th, 2013====== =====more re-assembly===== Yet more arranging, organizing. ======January 16th, 2013====== =====more reassembly===== Continue to assert some order to the new room. May have gotten LAIReast back up/juicebox talking to the outside world... ======January 15th, 2013====== =====campus connection arrives===== Lab46 is once again accessible from the world... new IP: Further refinements made. Some attempt at getting LAIReast back up- figuring out VLANs, running cables, etc. ======January 14th, 2013====== =====LAIR move, day 2===== The second of two big hauls took place, and we began our first re-assembly of the LAIR. Got LAIRwest back up and running, no campus connection as of yet- scheduled for tomorrow. The new pod layouts have commenced. Tri-Force design. ======January 12th, 2013====== =====Fedora Multiseat, take two===== Attempting a second Fedora install on the second of 3 or 4 flake pods... both to verify my ability to reproduce similar results, but also to start contemplating documentation. Both drives so far have been 160GB SATAs, which seems a waste of resources... once the dust settles, I may well want to swap them out with smaller drives (or figure out how to boot from network and into RAM). =====time sync issues (still)===== Looks like that didn't fix it... they persist. =====time sync issues (Again)===== Turns out the issue still persisted... added more options... the following stanza, as a whole, was added today to address the problem (in **/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf**): mmap_disable = yes dotlock_use_excl = no mail_nfs_storage = yes mail_nfs_index = yes lock_method=dotlock =====time sync issues with dovecot resolved===== I thing I may have finally solved the dovecot time sync issues... not sure why they were only present now, with only 1 NFS server present, but hey... According to: * The option **lock_method=dotlock** might work well.. and sure enough, it did. There are some other NFS options, but they are not currently applied (as far as I can tell). ======January 11th, 2013====== =====moving commences===== B&G arrived to start moving stuff... I spent the morning (and pretty much the day) wrangling equipment into piles to be taken to Goff Road. =====time sync===== Trying to address the persistent claimed time sync issues with dovecot... all involved machines have been manually rsync'ed against caprisun.. clocks do not appear to be a problem. Issue persists. ======January 10th, 2013====== =====instaLAIR location===== It has been decided we are to move the LAIR to Goff Road for the semester, room J106. I ventured over there and took a look... a little smaller, but could conceivably work in the short (semester) term. B&G will be assisting in our move... preparing necessary equipment for transport. ======January 9th, 2013====== =====Minimal services restored===== With mounting student and user demands for Lab46 availability to resume, I finangled some things to get the LAIRwest rack back up and running. As anticipated, there were no problems standing in my way. Logs are generally noisier due to various co-services in LAIReast and LAIRsouth being unavailable, and there's some interesting time sync error going on with dovecot on mail.
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