Corning Community College CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Assignments, Documents, Information, and Projects ======Projects====== * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/uxi0|uxi0]] (due 20160127) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/arc0|arc0]] (due 20160203) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/pbx0|pbx0]] (due 20160210) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/pbx1|pbx1]] (due 20160224) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/wpa0|wpa0]] (due 20160302) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/cus0|cus0]] (due 20160309) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/udr0|udr0]] (due 20160316) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/udr1|udr1]] (due 20160323) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/udr2|udr2]] (due 20160406) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/upr0|upr0]] (due 20160413) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/gfo0|gfo0]] (due 20160420) ======Class Stats====== * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/status|status]] ======Week 11====== * We're into the second week of registration; I've already helped a few people... don't wait, get this done sooner rather than later. * The next project, **gfo0** is now available. * We will not have class next Tuesday (April 19th, 2016). I will be away at a conference (just for that day). * We've been playing with scripting and regex; we'll likely be doing yet more of that. ======Week 10====== * If you've heard a rumor that the fall 2016 schedule is available to view (not sign up for, merely view), you are somewhat correct. However, you'll either note or be made aware that it is not updated for the computer courses. * If you're one of those awesome pre-planners and want up-to-date information, you can pull up my correct schedule here: * * you can probably hack that URL to pull up other computing instructor schedules * updated schedules should be in MyCCC by Thursday. * Next project is released! **upr0** * I had //some// questions regarding **udr2** (and those people are held in the highest of esteem), but not nearly enough... so either the majority of you are experts, or you've been being too quiet (at your peril). ======Week 9====== * UDR2: For the first time this semester I've used the errata section in a project. And considering nobody will probably read it (just like nobody will read this attempt to draw your attention to it), I'll try nonetheless: there was a bug in **binhaxx/search** that would cause it to skip legitimate packets when doing a full packet search. You'd basically be missing out on valid data. A fix has been issued and as a result, we have a new version of binhaxx: 1.0.1. Be sure to obtain this new version and use that instead of the old 0.9.7 version. * Regular Expressions! Scripting! Everything we've been learning and playing with, coming together more and more. * The next project has been released! **udr2** is now available for your fun and enjoyment. All rejoice! * Ignore the naysayers! This is nothing short of the best project ever (and altered from those who have previously experienced it). * I love questions! Be sure to ask some. * Two bonus point opportunities exist: * more "advance submission" bonus points due to its straddling of the week off. * if you make an opus entry before next Tuesday (March 29th), and another before the following Tuesday (April 5th), I will count one as an extra Opus entry (a great way to make up for any missed entries!) ======Week 8====== * The entire semester is almost **HALFWAY OVER!** Wednesday, the 16th, will be ~7.5 class weeks since the semester began (and we have 14 weeks of classes + 1 week of finals = 15 weeks total). * We'll likely be playing with Regular Expressions this week. * **udr1** will make an appearance, to satisfy those yearning for more binary puzzle box / unix data recovery fun. * Warning grades were issued this past weekend; more than a few given out. Many could have been avoided by keeping up with blog entries and submitting projects. ======Week 7====== * wpa0 entries to check out: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * wpa0 has been evaluated. 14 submitted, 6 did not. Of the people that did it (thankfully, a majority of the class), it seemed to be divided between the enthusiastic and the "is it done yet?" mindsets. * We'll be continuing with our shell scripting endeavours. * Next project is **udr0** (think of it like a binary puzzle box). You'll likely want to start sooner than later, and ask questions. Not a difficult project to accomplish, but could be initially a conceptual challenge. * cus0 also evaluated. We're starting to see an overall decline with these last two projects (wpa0, cus0)... sort of mindblowing to see the sheer number of people not submitting ANYTHING. * I believe warning grades come out this weekend. I'1l be querying your **status** information and reporting directly from there (so, projects, participation, blog). ======Week 6====== * Killing things! * The next project, cus0, has been released. ======Week 5====== * Can you believe it? Already approaching the 1/3 point of the semester. * Next project: web page adventures! * Here are some notable entries from past semesters: * [[]] * [[]] * [[]] * [[]] * [[]] * [[]] * [[]] * [[]] ======Week 4====== * Our command-line skills are improving, files can be manipulated, and productive laziness is ruling supreme. * Explorations this week may involve learning **the best text editor known to the universe (//and beyond//)**. * Due to high unstated demand and critical acclaim, this week's project is the illustrious **Puzzlebox: NEXT** (pbx1). ======Week 3====== * File manipulation has been the focus of our studies, but we are gradually getting a wider and wider view of the filesystem. * New problem solving capabilities will be introduced with the '**|**' (pipe) * The next project, the illustrious **puzzle box** (pbx0) is upon us; rejoice! ======Week 2====== * Hopefully most are making good progress on uxi0. I've had some questions come my way: excellent! Please don't hesitate to ask! * This week, we unveil the next project: **arc0**, which has you applying some of your soon-to-be-newfound UNIX skills (if you've read the Mages book, you may already be good to go!) * manipulating files (copying, moving, removing) * redirecting I/O * reading the manual * interacting with compressed files and archives * Remember that your week 1 Opus entry was due before Tuesday. ======Week 1====== * Welcome! I've wrapped all the initial activities into one project, **[[/haas/spring2016/unix/projects/uxi0|uxi0]]**, that I'd like you to perform by the given deadline (by 11:59:59pm / 23:59:59). * On Lab46, we'll be getting familiar with logging into the pod systems, and once there: * opening up a terminal * logging that terminal onto Lab46 for class work and in-class attendance * Get familiar with how to log onto Lab46, and once on: * change your password to something more preferable * start working on the labs and other class activities * start exploring * Be sure to do the reading (located in the individual labs below)! There may be many pages, but there are many concepts to encounter. * The following labs are now available for you to work through: * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/labs/lab0|Lab 0x0: Introduction to UNIX/Linux and Lab46]] (complete by 20160127) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/labs/lab1|Lab 0x1: Basic Utilities and their manual pages]] (complete by 20160127) * [[/haas/spring2016/unix/labs/lab2|Lab 0x2: Files and Directories]] (complete by 20160203)