Corning Community College CSCS1320 C/C++ Programming Assignments, Documents, Information, and Projects ======Projects====== * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/cci0|cci0]] (due 20160127) * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/mms0|mms0]] (due 20160203) * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/dow0|dow0]] (due 20160210) * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/mbe0|mbe0]] (due 20160224) * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/pnc0|pnc0]] (due 20160302) * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/mbe1|mbe1]] (due 20160309) * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/cos0|cos0]] (due 20160316) * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/sam0|sam0]] (due 20160323) * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/cbf0|cbf0]] (due 20160406) * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/afn0|afn0]] (due 20160413) * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/gfo0|gfo0]] (due 20160420) ======Class Stats====== * [[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/status|status]] ======Week 11====== * We're into the second week of registration; I've already helped a few people... don't wait, get this done sooner rather than later. * The next project, **gfo0** is now available. * We will not have class next Tuesday (April 19th, 2016). I will be away at a conference (just for that day). * We've been exploring Inheritance and Classes. * There was a bug in my **flattenstatus** script; if you ran it before 8:20am on Wednesday, April 13th, then you may have incorrect data. Re-run it to generate a fresh and correct copy. ======Week 10====== * If you've heard a rumor that the fall 2016 schedule is available to view (not sign up for, merely view), you are somewhat correct. However, you'll either note or be made aware that it is not updated for the computer courses. * If you're one of those awesome pre-planners and want up-to-date information, you can pull up my correct schedule here: * * you can probably hack that URL to pull up other computing instructor schedules * updated schedules should be in MyCCC by Thursday. ======Week 9====== * Possibly starting on Object-Oriented Programming/C++ * Unless there are questions... * The next project is **cbf0**, which has us exploring the fascinating realm of binary data from the programmatic perspective. * Two bonus point opportunities exist: * more "advance submission" bonus points due to its straddling of the week off. * if you make an opus entry before next Tuesday (March 29th), and another before the following Tuesday (April 5th), I will count one as an extra Opus entry (a great way to make up for any missed entries!) ======Week 8====== * We may play with files this week. * **sam0** is the new project. * Remember that these projects attempt to highlight the application of various important concepts. Skirting them not only disenfranchises you, but loses points! Of particular note: * loops facilitate/automate things. Do not write out each instance where a loop will do, you'll not only lose points, but you'll have an egregiously massive program. * a "circle" of squares implies 360 degrees. That's a lot of points, so you probably don't want to manually calculate each one. You'll want to use a loop! Do not just manually place squares in a circle-like arrangement- plot the squares in a circle via a loop where you are calculating the x, y coordinates for each of them. ======Week 7====== * Exploring some libraries, writing programs that construct and generate images. * Next project is **cos0** * I evaluated **pnc0**... almost a 50/50 split between really getting it/exploring and not getting it/sub-bare minimum. Some just didn't conform to project specifications (especially with respect to output), some didn't seem to understand the process of computing a prime. * Why did I not hear from anyone having trouble? I got a few good questions, but from too few people considering the end results. * If you got it working and your code wasn't to output specifications, did you not test it? That's why I wrote **primerun** (it wasn't just to race for best times). * The further we go, the more abstract things will become. I hope you are testing/writing things out on paper, and not just trying to write out some code. Plan, and check! ======Week 6====== * Finishing up arrays, then onto structs or functions * Next project is **mbe1** ======Week 5====== * Arrays, and using loops to drive them. * The next project is **pnc0**. * Something to take note of: ======Week 4====== * Likely getting to loops this week, possibly touch on arrays. * The next project, **mbe0**, has been released. ======Week 3====== * We should be getting into selection statements this week (if()/switch()). * The next project, **dow0**, has been released. ======Week 2====== * To continue our experience with C, you will be undertaking the first of the mental math projects this week, **mms**. * Be sure to take time to play with what you've learned outside of class. * We'll continue our exploration of variables, types, and their properties. * And give an intro on performing input and output using C standard library functions. ======Week 1====== * Welcome! I've wrapped all the initial activities into one project, **[[/haas/spring2016/cprog/projects/cci0|cci0]]**, that I'd like you to perform by the given deadline (by 11:59:59pm / 23:59:59). * Get familiar with logging into the pod systems, and once there: * open up a terminal * log that terminal onto Lab46 for class work and attendance * Get familiar with how to log onto Lab46, and once on: * change to your **src/** subdirectory * create/edit .c files (such as **hello.c**), and how to save/exit * compile the C program (.c file(s)) into an executable with **gcc** * execute the compiled C program (the executable) by specifying a path: **./program_name**