Corning Community College CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Assignments, Documents, Information, and Projects ======Projects====== * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/projects/intro|intro]] (due 20140124) * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/projects/resume|resume]] (due 20140129) * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/projects/archive_handling|archives]] (due 20140205) * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/projects/puzzle_box|puzzlebox]] (due 20140212) * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/projects/week4rev|week4rev]] (due 20140221) * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/projects/webpages|webpages]] (due 20140307) * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/projects/ircbot|ircbot]] (due 20140321) * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/projects/dataproc|dataproc]] (due 20140418) ======Week 12====== * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/labb|Lab 0xB: Data Manipulation]] (complete by 04/21/2014) ======Week 11====== * No class: keep working on the latest project, labs, opus, and reading. ======Week 10====== * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/laba|Lab 0xA: Filters]] (complete by 04/06/2014) ======Week 9====== * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/lab9|Lab 0x9: Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions]] (complete by 03/21/2014) ======Week 8====== * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/lab8|Lab 0x8: The UNIX Programming Environment]] (complete by 03/14/2014) ======Week 7====== * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/lab7|Lab 0x7: Shell Scripting Concepts]] (complete by 03/07/2014) ======Week 6====== * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/lab6|Lab 0x6: Shell Scripting Concepts]] (complete by 02/28/2014) * New project! Web Pages! As it is a bit more involved, you have 2 weeks to complete this one- do NOT wait until the last minute. * Went over some more shell features: * quotes * half quotes (") - groups and allows expansion * full quotes (') - groups and is literal: no expansion * backquotes (`) - performs command expansion * expansions * variable ($ prefixing variable name) * command (backquotes) * escape character * \ - toggle/escape the following character * wildcards * ? - match any single character * * - match 0 or more of any character * [ ] - match any one of the enclosed characters (character class) * [^ ] - do **NOT** match any one of the enclosed characters (inverted character class) * wildcards are used in the shell when dealing with filenames * list all the C files in the current directory: ls *.c * all the 3 character files in current directory: ls ??? * all the 4 character files whose 2nd character is a vowel: * ls ?[aeiou]?? * using command expansion to store data in a variable: * store current year in variable called year: * year=`date +%Y` ======Week 5====== * President's Day mini-break- no in-class component this week as a result. * But don't fret! You've got the UNIX Review project to keep you satiated. * As well as [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/lab5|Lab 0x5: More UNIX Shell Explorations]] (complete by 02/21/2014) * Time off from your other classes means more time to play on Lab46! ======Week 4====== * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/lab4|Lab 0x4: UNIX Shell Basics]] (complete by 02/14/2014) * Be sure to keep practicing with vim * Try your hand at **vimtutor** (a command to run) on lab46 * Also: * As we do not have class next week (Tuesday falls on our 2-day President's day mini-break), the weekly project activity is going to be more review-based in nature. Watch this space for updates. ======Week 3====== * The puzzle box project is ready. * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/lab3|Lab 0x3: Text Processing]] (complete by 02/07/2014) * We'll be learning **vi** this week * This will be both a challenge and a test. * The challenge: learning to use something that operates in a manner very different from that which you are likely accustomed. * The test: working with this new tool and becoming increasingly proficient with it for the remainder of the semester (at least! Those who succeed at acclimating to vi will likely want to keep using it). * A few of you have been quite good at asking questions on irc, e-mailing me, or using the class mailing list. However, I have not heard much from the bulk of you, and seeing as only a handful have submit the "Archive Handling" project so far, I would suggest you do not wait until the last minute. ======Week 2====== * Everyone is now subscribed to the class mailing list with their lab46 accounts. * Please start using that, in addition to other class resources to ask questions and share insights into the joys of UNIX. * The "Archive Handling" project is complete and ready for you to perform. It requires the knowledge you'd pick up from the reading and activities covered in labs 0x0, 0x1, and 0x2, so be sure to work through these with enough time to spare before the deadline. * The following labs are now available for you to work through: * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/lab2|Lab 0x2: Files and Directories]] (complete by 01/31/2014) ======Week 1====== * Welcome! Be sure to: * Read over the syllabus * Subscribe to the class mailing list (please do this by 01/24/2014) * Using the [[/haas/spring2014/common/class_chat|tutorial]], set up a screen session and get on #unix on irc * In Lab46, we'll be getting familiar with logging into the pod systems, and once there: * opening up a terminal * logging that terminal onto Lab46 for class work and in-class attendance * Get familiar with how to log onto Lab46, and once on: * change your password to something more preferable * start working on the labs and other class activities * start exploring * Familiarize yourself with your Opus, and once there: * customize it (title/subtitle) * add an introduction * create your first week content * Be sure to do the reading (located in the individual labs below)! There may be many pages, but there are many concepts to encounter. * The following labs are now available for you to work through: * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/lab0|Lab 0x0: Introduction to UNIX/Linux and Lab46]] (complete by 01/23/2014) * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/lab1|Lab 0x1: Basic Utilities and their manual pages]] (complete by 01/26/2014) * [[/haas/spring2014/unix/labs/lab2|Lab 0x2: Files and Directories]] (complete by 01/31/2014)