======HPC0 tasks====== Things you should do before too much time passes: =====January 23rd, 2013===== * Read over the syllabus. * Here is a guide on [[spring2013:common:class_chat|setting up the screen/irssi session for class chat]].Get on the class chat, and familiarize yourself with basic screen usage (attaching/detaching). Most everyone doesn't get the screen setup right the first time. Pay attention- ask questions. You are already starting to learn course material with this. I will be watching your progress! * [[(unix-O00-20130126235959)|Edit/customize at least the Title and Introduction sections of your Opus]] BEFORE January 27th. * Make sure you can access the [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/haas/spring2013/hpc0|HPC0]] course homepage from home and-or your preferred computing device(s) (you may want to bookmark it). * Make sure you can log into Lab46 from home with your username/password (using PuTTY if on Windows, or some other SSH client). * Once you are able to access Lab46, you will want to run the **gimmeh** command and configure your course settings. * Glance at some of the possible [[spring2013/hpc0/projects|Projects]]