The following information is intended to get you jumpstarted in your questing adventures on Lab46. __UNIX Quest Overviews and Journal Fodder__ ^Quest: | [[unix_intro|Getting Started on Your Journey]] ^Deadline: | 01/29/2010 | ^Journal: | [[journal_initialization_tutorial|Create Your Journal]] ^Deadline: | 01/29/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 1 Journal Entry (Keywords: local host, remote host, directory) ^Deadline: | 02/01/2010 | ^Mailing List: | [[mailinglist|Subscribe and Verify Subscription to Class mailing list]] ^Deadline: | 02/01/2010 | ^Quest: | [[unix_file|The Puzzle Box]] ^Deadline: | 02/05/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 2 Journal Entry (Keywords: multi-user, multi-tasking, renaming vs. moving) ^Deadline: | 02/08/2010 | ^Quest: | [[unix_some_assembly|Some Assembly Required]] ^Deadline: | 02/12/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 3 Journal Entry (Keywords: special file, STDOUT, /lib directory) ^Deadline: | 02/15/2010 | ^Quest: | [[unix_irc_bot|Give a person a bot, entertain them for a day; Have a person set up a bot, enlighten them for a lifetime...]] ^Deadline: | 02/22/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 4 Journal Entry (Keywords: command and insert modes, editing by character, word, and line) ^Deadline: | 02/22/2010 | ^Quest: | [[netcat_fun|tinker toys on the network]] ^Deadline: | 02/26/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 5 Journal Entry (Keywords: processes, signals, why is SIGKILL not preferred?) ^Deadline: | 03/08/2010 | ^Quest: | [[scripting_fun|some fun with simple scripts]] ^Deadline: | 03/12/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 6 Journal Entry (Keywords: wildcards, quotes) ^Deadline: | 03/15/2010 | ^Quest: | [[basic_patterns|A dip into the Pattern Matching end of the pool]] ^Deadline: | 03/19/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 7 Journal Entry (Keywords: shabang, command expansion, variable expansion) ^Deadline: | 03/22/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 8 Journal Entry (Keywords: fgrep, grep, egrep) ^Deadline: | 03/29/2010 | ^Quest: | [[basic_sys_admin|Basic System Administration]] ^Deadline: | 04/02/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 9 Journal Entry (Keywords: package management, user creation) ^Deadline: | 04/05/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 10 Journal Entry (Keywords: sudo, history) ^Deadline: | 04/19/2010 | ^Quest: | [[pre_break_week_fun|More System Administration]] ^Deadline: | 04/23/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 11 Journal Entry ^Deadline: | 04/26/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 12 Journal Entry ^Deadline: | 05/03/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 13 Journal Entry ^Deadline: | 05/10/2010 | ^Journal: | Week 14 Journal Entry ^Deadline: | 05/17/2010 | ^EoCE: | [[unix/eoce|End of Course Experience]] ^Deadline: | 05/20/2010 |