A grade not-Z support script to determine the current academic semester for use in calculations in other scripts.
This script features the following capabilities:
^ Attribute ^ Description ^ Contains |
| Class Flexible | Can be run for any class; is not hardcoded for one particular situation | YES |
| Configurable | Can pertinent options be set in variables at the start of the script? | NO (N/A) |
| Multi-Run Safe | Will the script appropriately overwrite appropriate entries, preventing duplicate or erroneous entries? | N/A |
| Error Checking | Are proper error checks in place to prevent incorrect data elements? | NO |
| User Executable | Can the script be run as a regular user (ie root privs not required)? | YES |
* look into ways to properly handle spring/summer, summer/fall, fall/winter, and winter/spring issues
* reference other files to compare start and end of given semesters against current date
In order to use **semester.sh**, the following conditions need to be met:
* the usual array of UNIX commands (date, bash, and echo).
To use **semester.sh**, just run it:
lab46:~$ semester.sh
Common deployments are from other scripts, to determine the current semester.
extern> http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/haas/content/scripts/semester