Corning Community College CSCS2320 Data Structures ======Project: SLL1====== =====Errata===== This section will document any updates applied to the project since original release: * __revision 1__: tweak to maintain list integrity in unit-compare (20180925) =====Objective===== We've commenced on our list explorations, implementing some of the core functionality (adding nodes to a list through insertion) as well as some helper functionality to make our list transactions even more effective (creating, displaying, getting node positions, and setting node positions). In this project, we continue our list implementation by exploring the appending of nodes to a list, searching for nodes within a list, copying a list, displaying a list in reverse, and comparing two lists for equality. =====Project Overview===== ====header file==== In **inc/** is the list header file: **list.h** For this project, we're going to be implementing the following functions: List *append(List *, Node *, Node *); // append new node into list after specified place Node *searchlist(List *, char); // is there a node containing value in list? List *cplist(List *); // duplicate existing list void displayb(List *, int); // display list backwards uc compare(List *, List *, ulli *); // compare two lists for equality Additionally, the following content has been added, largely to aid with **compare()** implementation and operation: typedef struct list List; // because we deserve nice things typedef unsigned long long int ulli; // short name for biggest space typedef unsigned char uc; // shorter name for smallest space and: // return status codes // #define CMP_EQUALITY 0x00 #define CMP_L1_NULL 0x01 #define CMP_L1_EMPTY 0x02 #define CMP_L1_UNDEFINED 0x03 #define CMP_L1_GREATER 0x04 #define CMP_L1_LESS 0x08 #define CMP_L2_NULL 0x10 #define CMP_L2_EMPTY 0x20 #define CMP_L2_UNDEFINED 0x30 #define CMP_L2_GREATER 0x40 #define CMP_L2_LESS 0x80 As a suggestion, I'd recommend implementing them in the order listed above, starting with **append()** and then **searchlist()**. By doing this, you get to review a bit from the previous weeks before you continue with base functionality, which will help you in your implementation of the other functions. An important perspective to keep when implementing these list functions is to be mindful of what functionality can be a unit of something else. Do not reinvent the wheel- utilize functions you've written- it will shorten your code, and reduce the chance of error. Plus, that IS the intent.. to have each function be specific and focused on its particular task; to do one thing, and do that one thing extremely well. We can then use them as base units to build more sophisticated functionality. In this project, **append()** can be considered that basic operation, where **cplist()** can be built using **append()** (along with any other list/node functions from this and previous projects). ====list library==== In **src/list/**, you will find 5 new C files: * **append.c** - which will house the append function * **cp.c** - which will house the list copy function * **search.c** - which will house the list search function * **displayb.c** - which will handle displaying the list backwards * **compare.c** - which will handle comparing two lists for equality Take a look at the code there. These are the files that contain functions which will be compiled and archived into the list library (**liblist.a**) we will be using in this and future projects. Figure out what is going on, make sure you understand it. **NOTE:** None of these files denote an entire runnable program. These are merely standalone functions. The various programs under the **unit/** and **app/** directories will use these functions in addition to their application logic to create complete executable programs. You will also notice there are function prototypes for these list library functions in the **list.h** header file, located in the **inc/** subdirectory, which you'll notice all the related programs you'll be playing with in this project are **#include**ing. ====List library unit tests==== In **unit/list/**, you will find these new files: * **unit-append.c** - unit test for **append()** library function * **unit-cplist.c** - unit test for **cplist()** library function * **unit-searchlist.c** - unit test for **searchlist()** library function * **unit-displayb.c** - unit test for **displayb()** library function * **unit-compare.c** - unit test for **compare()** library function These are complete runnable programs (when compiled, and linked against the list library, which is all handled for you by the **Makefile** system in place). Of particular importance, I want you to take a close look at: * the source code to each of these unit tests * the purpose of these programs is to validate the correct functionality of the respective library functions * follow the logic * make sure you understand what is going on * ask questions to get clarification! * the output from these programs once compiled and ran * analyze the output * make sure you understand what is going on * ask questions to get clarification! =====Reference Implementation===== As the layers and complexities rise, narrowing down the source of errors becomes increasingly important. If **unit-insert** isn't working, is it because of a problem there, in your **insert()** function, or in one of the node functions it calls, such as **mknode()**? To aid you in your development efforts, you now have the ability to import a working implementation of previous project functions into your current project for the purposes of testing/debugging purposes. ====Using the test reference implementation==== You'll notice that, upon running **make help** in the base-level Makefile, the following new options appear (about halfway in the middle): ** ** ** make use-test-reference - use working implementation object files ** ** make use-your-own-code - use your node implementation code ** ** ** In order to make use of it, you'll need to run **make use-test-reference** from the base of your **sll0** project directory, as follows: lab46:~/src/data/sll1$ make use-test-reference ... NODE reference implementation in place, run 'make' to build everything. lab46:~/src/data/sll1$ You'll see that final message indicating everything is in place (it automatically runs a **make clean** for you), and then you can go ahead and build everything with it: lab46:~/src/data/sll1$ make ... **__Debugging__:** When using the test reference implementation, you will not be able to debug the contents of the test reference implementation functions (the files provided do not have debugging symbols added), so you'll need to take care not to step into these functions (it would be just like stepping into **printf()**. You can still compile the project with debugging support and debug (as usual) those compiled functions (ie the stack functions). ====Reverting back to using your code==== If you were trying out the reference implementation to verify queue functionality, and wanted to revert back to your own code, it is as simple as: lab46:~/src/data/sll1$ make use-your-own-code Local node implementation restored, run 'make clean; make' to build everything. lab46:~/src/data/sll1$ Just to be clear: the reference implementation is not some magic shortcut getting you out of doing this project; it merely gives you a glimpse into how things are working, or should be working, provided your node library is complete and fully functional. =====Expected Results===== To assist you in verifying a correct implementation, a fully working implementation of the node library and list library (up to this point) should resemble the following: ====list library==== Here is what you should get for the functions completed for sll1: lab46:~/src/data/sll1$ make check ====================================================== = Verifying Singly-Linked List Functionality = ====================================================== [append] Total: 11, Matches: 11, Mismatches: 0 [searchlist] Total: 11, Matches: 11, Mismatches: 0 [cplist] Total: 11, Matches: 11, Mismatches: 0 [displayb] Total: 10, Matches: 10, Mismatches: 0 [compare] Total: 15, Matches: 15, Mismatches: 0 ====================================================== [RESULTS] Total: 58, Matches: 58, Mismatches: 0 ====================================================== lab46:~/src/data/sll1$ =====Submission===== {{page>haas:fall2018:common:submitblurb#DATA&noheader&nofooter}}