Corning Community College
CSCS2320 Data Structures
======Project: SLL3======
This section will document any updates applied to the project since original release:
* __revision #__: (DATESTAMP)
This is a transitional project, making a few modifications to the list struct forcing some changes to a few functions so that we can better explore the next topic (in **sll4**).
As such, while this is a standalone project, it should be considered a small one, and one that is given out in combination with another (again: **sll4**), so be mindful of time management.
You will need to complete this project prior to upgrading to **sll4**.
=====Project Overview=====
For this project, we need to make a couple modifications to the list struct (which you can also check out in **inc/list.h**):
// list struct definition
struct list {
Node *engine; // pointer to start of list
Node *caboose; // pointer to end of list
struct list *next; // pointer to the next list
unsigned long int qty; // number of nodes in list
typedef struct list List; // cuz we deserve nice things
Specifically, we have an after pointer, so that we can point to an entirely separate list, along with a newly added **qty** variable, which will keep track of the number of nodes in the list.
To implement **qty**, all list functions that perform manipulations to the list will need to see some updating (**insert()**, **append()**, **obtain()**, and **mklist()**)
To implement the list's new **next** pointer, you'll want to enhance **mklist()** and **cplist()** accordingly.
=====Expected Results=====
To assist you in verifying a correct implementation, a fully working implementation of the node library, list library (with new modifications), and group library should resemble the following:
====list library====
===sll3 list functions===
Here is what you should get for the specific functions relevant to sll3:
lab46:~/src/data/sll3$ make check
= Verifying Singly-Linked List Functionality =
[mklist] Total: 21, Matches: 21, Mismatches: 0
[cplist] Total: 14, Matches: 14, Mismatches: 0
[insert] Total: 21, Matches: 21, Mismatches: 0
[append] Total: 21, Matches: 21, Mismatches: 0
[obtain] Total: 44, Matches: 44, Mismatches: 0
[RESULTS] Total: 121, Matches: 121, Mismatches: 0
===entire list===
Here is what you should get for all the functions completed so far in the list library (sll0+sll1+sll2+sll3):
lab46:~/src/data/sll3$ bin/
= Verifying Singly-Linked List Functionality =
[mklist] Total: 21, Matches: 21, Mismatches: 0
[insert] Total: 21, Matches: 21, Mismatches: 0
[displayf] Total: 10, Matches: 10, Mismatches: 0
[getpos] Total: 8, Matches: 8, Mismatches: 0
[setpos] Total: 9, Matches: 9, Mismatches: 0
[append] Total: 21, Matches: 21, Mismatches: 0
[searchlist] Total: 11, Matches: 11, Mismatches: 0
[cplist] Total: 14, Matches: 14, Mismatches: 0
[displayb] Total: 10, Matches: 10, Mismatches: 0
[compare] Total: 15, Matches: 15, Mismatches: 0
[obtain] Total: 44, Matches: 44, Mismatches: 0
[clearlist] Total: 3, Matches: 3, Mismatches: 0
[rmlist] Total: 3, Matches: 3, Mismatches: 0
[swapnode] Total: 9, Matches: 9, Mismatches: 0
[sortlist] Total: 27, Matches: 27, Mismatches: 0
[RESULTS] Total: 226, Matches: 226, Mismatches: 0