Corning Community College CSCS2700 Data Communications Assignments, Documents, Information, and Projects ======Projects====== * [[/haas/fall2014/datacomm/projects/intro|intro]] (due 20140903) ======Week 5====== * Class pong mercurial repository is available! [[/hg/project/pong-fall2014|]] * Go through the code and familiarize yourself with it. * Start working on changes, enhancements, improvements, and add/commit/push them! * Some identified TODO items (by no means the only ones): * fix collision detection * paddle/wall interaction * paddle/ball interaction * ball/wall interaction * game art * fix image paths (allow pong to be run more flexibly) * input handling * fix key detection (simultaneous input on same machine) * joystick support * mouse support * ball motion * power-ups / breakout mode? * network / multiplayer support