======Lab46 Mercurial Repository======
This document is a quick intro to cloning and using your Lab46 Mercurial Repository.
^Term ^ Description |
|yourusername | Instead of writing 'yourusername', replace with your actual Lab46 username you use to log in |
=====Avoiding an unnecessary error=====
This document assumes you are cloning your repository into **~/src**. This is all fine and good, but an error will occur if this directory is not empty.
So, we are going to employ a quick workaround. If you are performing these instructions on a home machine and you do not have a **src** directory, or the directory you plan to clone to **is** empty, you do not need to perform this step.
First up, move the existing **src** out of the way:
lab46:~$ mv src src.bak
Next, create a new **src**:
lab46:~$ mkdir src
Proceed with the instructions.
=====Cloning Locally (on Lab46)=====
In order to use your repository, you must first **clone** it:
lab46:~$ hg clone http://www/hg/user/yourusername ~/src
http authorization required
realm: Lab46/LAIR Mercurial Repository (Authorization Required)
user: yourusername
no changes found
updating to branch default
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
=====Cloning Remotely (Home Computer)=====
In order to use your repository, you must first **clone** it. Note that this is only for additional copies of the repository you wish to work with, in addition to the "local" copy we cloned above on lab46.
If you're using a command-line interface on your remote machine:
yourpc:~$ hg clone http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/hg/user/yourusername ~/src
http authorization required
realm: Lab46/LAIR Mercurial Repository (Authorization Required)
user: yourusername
no changes found
updating to branch default
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
If you are making use of some graphical front-end to **hg**, such as **TortoiseHg**, the URL you want is:
=====Return to src=====
Having finished the chicken-and-egg file management aspect of bootstrapping our repository activities, we need to remember to change back into our **src** directory before continuing:
lab46:~$ cd src
=====Restoring original src contents=====
If you did that initial step to avoid encountering errors, you'll also want to perform this step to complete the process.
If you didn't perform the workaround, this step also is not necessary.
Move the contents of **src.bak** into **src** (note that we are already in **src** as per the last step):
lab46:~/src$ mv ~/src.bak/* ~/src/
And, assuming there were no hidden files in **~/src.bak/**, it should now be empty and we can remove it:
lab46:~/src$ rmdir ~/src.bak
If you got an error to the tune of "directory not empty", there is still something there and you may want to investigate that. However, the current state of **~/src.bak** will not impact our efforts here, so successful or not, we can proceed to the next step.
=====Customizing your Settings=====
Mercurial uses a **.hg** located at the base of your repository to store important information. Most of it you will not have any need to directly look at (but you should take care to preserve that data as it manages how your repository works).
There is one file you may want to edit- **.hg/hgrc**
lab46:~/src$ nano .hg/hgrc
It is a text file, and by default, probably looks as follows:
default = http://www/hg/user/yourusername
To make your life a little easier, we may wish to make a few changes (ADD/APPEND the following information):
push_ssl = False
allow_push = *
username = Firstname Lastname
lab46.prefix = http://www/hg/user/yourusername
lab46.username = yourusername
lab46.schemes = http
There are other settings and changes you can make, but this is probably the minimum you'll want to do in order to avoid more complicated command invocations when interacting with your repository.
Obviously, if you are accessing your repository from a home or computer that is on a network foreign to the LAIR, be sure to substitute **www*** with **lab46.corning-cc.edu**
=====Ignoring Files=====
Just as it is important to track changes to files, we also want the ability to ignore certain files. Mercurial provides a facility for this, and it is a set of patterns located in a file called **.hgignore**, located in the base of your repository (not in **.hg**, but a sibling file).
Until you learn a better text editor, you may make use of the **nano** text editor. Don't worry, we'll aim to learn something more elegant and effective-to-use before too long. In this instance, you can create/edit this file with the following command:
lab46~/src$ nano .hgignore
Here are some initial settings you may wish to put in your **.hgignore** file:
syntax: glob
Basically, any file located in this directory and subdirectory beneath will be ignored when it comes to Mercurial looking for changes.
Why would this be useful? Well, for one we don't wish to track temporary files that might be created by a text editor, that contain no useful information. Also, we really have no need to track object and compiled files- it is the text and source files that are most valuable to us.
=====Checking for changes=====
Let's assume you created that **.hgignore** file from the section above. This is a great file to track in Mercurial, so we will use it as an example.
First up, I introduce to you the command **hg status**. Go ahead and run it while residing in your repository directory:
lab46:~/src$ hg status
? .hgignore
? Makefile
In this case, we see Mercurial has noticed a new file, **.hgignore**, and its status is unknown (hence the **?**), it will also pick up on any other files you have located in this directory.
=====Adding a file for tracking=====
As I said, we want to track this file, so we need to tell Mercurial to pay regular attention to it. We do that with the **hg add** command (note that we only have to **add** files to the repository once):
lab46:~/src$ hg add
adding .hgignore
adding Makefile
Now go and check the status again:
lab46:~/src$ hg status
A .hgignore
A Makefile
You should see that the original "**?**" status of the file has been altered to "**A**". That is *A* as in **A**dd.
=====Committing changes to the repository=====
In order for Mercurial to work its magic, we need to get the changes committed to the repository. For us, this will be a two-step process- we need to **commit** any changes, and then **push** them to the LAIR repository.
You will want to **commit** changes fairly regularly. A commit represents a "changeset" in Mercurial terminology, or a snapshot/revision of files. The more often you commit, the more precise the collection of changes you will have access to (and, generally, the safer your files will be to corruption or loss).
To commit, we specify that as a command, and provide a reason:
lab46:~/src$ hg commit -m "Created .hgignore file"
=====Pushing changes to the repository=====
With Mercurial, when you **clone** the repository, you now have a NEW repository. So there's the original one you copied, and the one you just copied (2). The more you clone, the more repositories you have. This creates a local/remote situation. Your local copy IS a real repository, that you can add and commit to.
But in order to ensure a level of redundancy, safety, and in the case of group projects, collaboration, you need to synchronize any local changes with the remote repository. To do that, we issue a **push** command:
lab46:~/src$ hg push
http authorization required
realm: Lab46/LAIR Mercurial Repository (Authorization Required)
user: yourusername
pushing to http://www/user/yourusername
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 1 change to 2 files
You generally want to **push** once you have finished a commit.
It would be good to get in the habit of doing this regularly.
**ATTENTION**: You are done! At this point, you are done with the basic bootstrapping process of getting your repository cloned.
=====Pulling changes from a repository=====
**NOTE:** If you have multiple copies of a repository, you'll need to **pull/update** on each one to keep them all up to date, as they are each an independent copy.
If we are in a group setting, we'll regularly be making transactions with the repository- you'll be commiting and pushing changes, and so will others.
In order for you to receive changes commit/pushed by others, you need to occasionally do a pull/update. First up, we do a **pull**:
lab46:~/src$ hg pull
http authorization required
realm: Lab46/LAIR Mercurial Repository (Authorization Required)
user: yourusername
pulling from http://www/hg/user/yourusername
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 3 changesets with 10 changes to 7 files
Notice here in this example, 3 new commit transactions are coming down the pipe, encompassing 10 separate tracked changes across 7 files in the repository.
Now, listing and poking around the repository will show no changes. That's because while we've received changes, we have yet to apply them to the repository. To do that, an **update** is in order:
lab46:~/src$ hg update
10 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
The changes are now visible in your copy of the repository.
There are other actions or situations you may encounter while using Mercurial. Conflicts, branches, heads, the need to merge, and even pulling out old versions. But for now, get used to the basics.
Mercurial has a help screen, that can be accessed by issuing the command: **hg help**