__**The "I deserve nice things" List**__ Interested in an item? Edit the page and add your name to the "Taker" field, and put in an interwiki link to your documentation. ^ Category ^ Thing/Description ^ Taker ^ Wiki Link ^ | documentation | Getting Started: 3d Game Programming | mgough | [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/mgough/games | Documentation]] | | documentation | add pedagogical pictures/images to PuTTY tutorial; create a PuTTY tutorial | open | | | documentation | vim tutorial | bh011695 | [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/bh011695/start/vimTutorial|Documentation]] | | documentation | functions tutorials: random numbers, square roots, access/display time/date | open | [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/mtaft4/projects/functions|Beginning Info]] | | documentation | debugging tutorial (gdb) | | | | documentation | howto on lab46 per-user subversion repositories | open | | | documentation | using/linking libraries with your C/C++ programs | open | | | documentation | python tutorial | afassett | [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/afassett/hcp_projects/pythontut|Documentations]] | | documentation | tcpdump tutorial | open | | | documentation | OpenVPN client configuration/deployment | open | | | documentation | Dialog tutorial | jshort6 | [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/jshort6/start#dialog_tutorial | Documentation]] | | documentation | Pong | jshort6 | [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/jshort6/start#pong| Documentation]] | | documentation | Battleship (The game and documentation of source code) | jshort6 | [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/jshort6/start#battleship| Documentation]] | | documentation | Dual boot install of xp and ubuntu | jshort6 | [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/jshort6/start#dual_boot| Documentation]] | | networking | recrimp remaining green "over the ceiling" network cable | ryoung12 | done | | networking | redeploy VLSM on student.lan subnet with and | open | | | networking | figure out/deploy working PF-based OpenBSD router box that can do multipath/CARP | open | | | networking | figure out/deploy OpenBSD PF-based QoS (prioritize ssh) | open | | | programming | In C, write an X (or SDL, or OpenGL) program that can parse/display JPG/PNG files | open | | | programming | write a C program that can (using libraries) compress and uncompress files | open | | | programming | write a C or python X program that can interface/utilize a touchscreen | | | | programming | compile cgrep (from [[http://plg1.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~ftp/mt/cgrep/]] to run on Lab46 | open | | | project | [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal_time|Hexadecimal Time]]; I'd love a clock | mtaft4 | [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/mtaft4/projects/hexclock|Documentation]] | | project | explore/deploy Debian [[http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Preseed|preseeding]] | open | | | project | figure out [[http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9/|Plan 9]] | open | | | project | try out [[http://www.debian.org/ports/kfreebsd-gnu/|Debian GNU/kFreeBSD]] | afassett | | | project | create a 24-hour weather map loop from publicly available animated gif weather data | open | | | project | set up a firewire [[http://thegrid.wordpress.com/how-to-use-isight-in-linux/|iSight camera under Linux]] and do some cool stuff with it in the LAIR | | | | project | set up an Asterisk VoIP server and do some cool stuff with it in the LAIR (voicemail, per-user extensions, etc.) | open | | | project | set up a machine and test pile of hard drives to see if they are dead or working | afassett | [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/afassett/hcp_projects/harddrivetrouble|documentation]] | | project | explore [[http://www.open-ils.org/|Evergreen]] for possible deployment in LAIRbrary | open | | | project | explore [[http://www.nongnu.org/bino/|Bino]] to display 3D movies | open | | | sysadmin | investigate umask (what should good sane values be) | open | | | sysadmin | figure out/demonstrate xpra (from the parti suite) | open | | | sysadmin | figure out/demonstrate xmove | open | | | sysadmin | figure out/deploy vertical split in screen on Debian etch (the "Debian" way) | closed | already patched in Debian Squeeze | | sysadmin | install MacOS X 10.5 "Leopard" on the G4 cube for deployment in the LAIR | bh011695 | | | sysadmin | check the logs for errors/problems | on-going | instructions coming at some point |