Take the **Singly** Linked List code we worked on in class (or my reimplementation from **/var/public/data/fall2012/linkedlist1/**, and extend it to include the ability to remove and free (deallocate) an indicated node from a user-built linked list. The code must cleanly compile, run, and be able to assemble a list of variable length. Be sure to display the list before and after node removal so it can be verified the operation was successful. It can still run through the display, append, re-display code we had the original example do in class (or you could spruce it up to have a nice menu-- good practice, and note a later linked list project may have you doing just that!) To submit, place any and all related source files in your repository under the following directory: **~/src/data/submit/p00/** (creating any missing directories as needed) and add/commit/push it to your personal repository. I may also wander around and check off with each person, at my discretion.