\\ Corning Community College \\ UNIX/Linux Fundamentals \\ \\ EoCE Scripts \\ \\ ~~TOC~~ =====Script 0: Variant of in-class Example===== #!/bin/bash cat spring2011-20101105.html | egrep '^(.*$|Credits)' \ | sed 's/^.*crn_in=[0-9]\{5\}">\(.*\) - \([0-9]\{5\}\) - \([A-Z]\{3,4\} [0-9]\{4\}\) - \([0-9]\{3\}\)<\/A.*$/\2:\3-\4:\1/g' \ | sed 's/^\(.*\)<\/TD>$/\1/g' | sed 's/( output mkdir -p courses count=0 start=1 for item in `cat -n output | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/\t/,/' | sed 's/ /*/g' \ | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*,[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'`; do if [ "$count" -eq 0 ]; then count=1 olditem="$item" continue fi end="`echo $item | cut -d',' -f1`" crn="`echo $olditem | cut -d',' -f2 | cut -d':' -f1`" let end=$end-1 # echo "start: $start" # echo "end: $end" let start=$start+1 let range=$end-$start let range=$range+1 # echo "range: $range" start=$end olditem="$item" cat output | head -n $end | tail -n $range > courses/$crn done exit 0 //This script based on the approach taken by the in-class example// =====Script 1: Alternate Approach===== #!/bin/bash file1="spring2011-20101105.html" file2="spring2011output.txt" file3="spring2011output2.txt" cat $file1 | egrep '^(.*$|Credits)' \ | sed 's/^.*crn_in=[0-9]\{5\}">\(.*\) - \([0-9]\{5\}\) - \([A-Z]\{3,4\} [0-9]\{4\}\) - \([0-9]\{3\}\)<\/A.*$/\2:\3-\4:\1/g' \ | sed 's/^\(.*\)<\/TD>$/\1/g' | sed 's/( $file2 cat -n $file2 | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/\t/,/' | sed 's/ /*/g' \ | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*,[0-9]{5}' | sed 's/,/:/' > $file3 filecontent=( `cat $file3 `) for t in "${filecontent[@]}"; do line=$(echo $t | cut -d":" -f1) crn=$(echo $t | cut -d":" -f2) classcode=$(echo $t | cut -d":" -f3) description=$(echo $t | cut -d":" -f4) echo -e "$crn\n$classcode\n$description" > "classlists/$crn.txt" done echo "Enter a CRN to look up." read crnlookup clear cat classlists/$crnlookup.txt | sed 's/*/ /g' answer=true while ($answer -eq true); do echo "" echo "Do you want to look up another CRN y/n?" read answers clear if [ $answers = 'y' ]; then answer=true echo "Enter a CRN to look up." read crnlookup cat classlists/$crnlookup.txt else answer=false fi done exit 0 //This script based on the approach taken by Bradley Owlett//