======C/C++ Programming Journal====== ====JANUARY 22, 2016==== This week has gone by fast, as it is the first week of classes and is somewhat typical. We copied our BitBucket repo's onto lab46 and got that set up. The first project reminded me of last semester with the setting up of IRC and subscribing to the mailing list (Yay easy points!). The first bit of programming we did with the Hello World output reminded me a bit of java, with some slight differences. I'm pretty excited for the rest of this class as I'm sure there are some fun projects in store. I have also taken the opportunity to download Vim onto my flashdrive so I can use it and grow my knowledge of it a little more. I even set it up with a colorscheme and some other settings to suit my liking. ====FEBRUARY 1, 2016==== Last week went by quite fast. I feel like a learned a lot about C as a language by working on the mms0 project. I looked up arrays and how they work, and utilized them within my program. I'm still not completely square with them, but in time I'm sure I'll get there. I've also learned a little bit more about mercurial while trying to update and keep my repository in different locations. The mms0 project was quite neat in that it takes a simple concept of breaking two numbers up and using basic math to get the square, but initially I ran into issues of trying to break up the numbers (where arrays came in handy). Once that was settled, the rest of the project was relatively simple. So far I am enjoying the C language, it is different yet similar to java, and even reminds me of writing the bash scripts for the unix labs and such. Overall, I'm enjoying the course and am excited to work on the next set of projects. ====FEBRUARY 9, 2016==== This last week was a bit of a new experience for me. I was sick all week, so I was a bit unproductive. I also am one of the lucky ones who don't get sick as often as others, but I suppose it was my time. I started working on the dow0 project a few days ago, utilizing vim I installed on a flash drive for windows. It works quite well, but does operate a little differently than the one on the pods. For example, the mouse can actually be used to move and place the cursor throughout the text. The dow0 project is a bit different, but reminds me of some of the projects from the UNIX class last semester. The C language is still causing me some difficulties in some areas, but I feel as though I am getting a better understanding the more I work with it. I'm excited to continue working with everything. ====FEBRUARY 23, 2016==== I've been growing with the c language. The last project was using logic to multiply 1, 2, and 3 digit numbers by 11 - without using arrays and strings. While not using strings and arrays, it really allows you to appreciate the language itself. I'm sure some people don't really think about what these things are actually doing, but when you need to write something without using them, it allows for a better outlook. It has been nice to see how certain things work and to create different programs to accomplish various tasks. The break week was pretty unproductive, but I enjoyed it regardless. Sometimes it's nice to have downtime, where you're not really responsible for anything. I've learned to appreciate it after coming back to CCC; I also will never take it for granted again. As per usual, I am excited to see what the next project is and get to work on it. I need to start raking in some more bonus! ====March 1, 2016==== I'm still working on the pnc0 project. Didn't quite make the progress I wanted to last week in the amount of time I was hoping for. That means not as much, if any bonus for me this week. I definitely need to spend some time on the optimized portion, but with Brian working so hard on it I doubt I'll receive any bonus in that aspect. C is still a bit confusing to me in some ways, but I'm sure it will get better with time and work that is put in, as with anything. I'm excited for the next project, mbe1, as it will allow me to work on something I have before in a different way, with some different tools. ====March 10, 2016==== The mbe1 project turned out to be a success. It was pretty fun to work on, after I figured out how to get all of the addition and such figured out. I still find it very interesting how little or how much it takes to get something thought of as so simple to work. This next project is pretty different since it includes graphics. I don't think I've done anything with graphics other than last semester in problem solving, but that was in java. Graphics are another thing many people don't think about in the general sense of programming. I find it interesting to think about all of the programming it takes to get images on the screen exactly as desired. I really liked when the Atari 2600 got brought up the other day and how they solved their problems with the little memory they had to work with. Again, it is something relatively small, but not many people think about how someone actually has to put in the time and effort to make that circle a certain color, size, and put it in a particular position. ====March 17, 2016==== Cos0 was a fun project. I found the programs we made in class to e a huge help. I even used the best color ever, making sure it remained as such. The project was fill of if statements and for loops, which gave me more practice with them; therefore making me more efficient (maybe?) and helping me to develop more complex solutions. It was also interesting working with the gd kit. As I said previously, it was my second time working with actual shape-making and such, so I found it interesting. I did run into some trouble though when it came to the concentric circles, so I asked for some help and got a workaround, though I'm not sure if it was the best or most legitimate solution. The next project doesn't seem like it will be that difficult, but those are usually the ones that cause some of the most problems or difficulty. I'm hoping for the best though, and actually getting it done in time for some bonus. ====March 24, 2016==== So, sam0 was a bit of a failure on my end. I ended up procrastinating a bit and it backfired, as it usually does. I feel as though I didn't even come close to finishing the project and it was definitely not my best work by any means. It was either much harder than I assumed it would be, or I thought about aspects of it far too much and made it more difficult than it was. The next project should go better, hopefully. I'm not sure how much work I'll get done over break because I am hopefully going back to Vermont for a couple days to visit my friends that I made during my time at pharmacy school. They've been pretty busy though, so it might not even happen. I definitely don't want to take them away from their work since I know how important putting the time in is. ====April 5, 2016==== Cbf0 started off pretty well, and then I hit a bit of a roadblock. I'm still working some of the stuff out but I think I'm getting there. Never ended up going to Vermont which is pretty unfortunate, but like I said previously, I didn't want my friends to feel obligated to spend time with me when they had to get things done for school. Hopefully I'll be able to find time March 24to go up there when they have some free time, and by free time, I mean a week where they don't have 3 or 4 tests and presentations. Back to c programming though; Bailey and I worked on the project together for a little bit, and I didn't feel as bad about getting stuck because he did too. I should hopefully get it done in a less stressful mindset than sam0 and with better results. ====April 14, 2016==== So, cbf0. I have no idea what went wrong. I went back and looked at it again after it had been graded and was confused myself as to what I was doing. Afn0 should be back to my normal quality of work; at least I hope it is, I looked it over after submission and found a couple of things that needed tweaking. I fixed them and resubmitted, and it was still even a day early! I'm pretty excited about that as I need the bonus now to get back to where I was after two less than stellar projects in a row. I want to start messing around with the language a little bit more in my free time, but I don't really have any plans in mind. I might talk to Bailey about it and see what he can come up with. I can't believe the semester is almost over, it's pretty surreal. Like everyone says though: as you get older, time goes by faster. I guess that's finally hitting me as truth. ====April 21, 2016==== Gfo0 was a success. I felt like I really understood what I was doing with this project, which was definitely a good feeling. I was looking through the EoCE and it looks straightforward, but that means it is probably going to cause me many more issues than I expect it to. I have high hopes, however. I am STILL waiting to hear back from SUNY Binghamton about acceptance / denial. I need to send them an email to ask them what's going on, and why I haven't heard back yet. It's getting down to the end and it's actually pretty upsetting that this class is almost over. Even though I had more trouble in this class than I initially anticipated, I still always enjoy actually being here (which is saying something compared to some other classes). I never feel bored or like I'm not learning anything, which is really nice and refreshing. Now to start work on EoCE and hopefully knock it out of the park.