====September 13, 2015==== gdb debugger must compile code must use gcc -o debug-sample debug-sample.c -g gdb ./run-program backtrace list main list 48 breakpoints breakpoints "line or function" print array numbers and lines step "executes one line " follows to next line or function next "skips over function calls" watch " i = 139" display points watch array[i] == null set var i = "70" x command xamin memory This here is just some notes from the Debugger wemux day. I have not had a program that was large enough to use it effectively. But I can see myself using it a lot in the future. ====September 20, 2015==== https://lab46.g7n.org lab46.g7n.org ====September 27, 2015==== Well, hello. I am going to be backlogging this blog over the next couple of days. Apparently I can't remember to write anything on here which is not good at all. I will definitely have someone else write the dev blog when I join a team. I am having a lot of car issues lately that have been a hindrance to my consumption of knowledge. I am still learning outside of class, but progress is slow. I hope to get caught up by the end of the week since I don't have work until Friday this week(Thankfully). I am still finding it difficult to keep switching between c, ruby, and java. I think I will put ruby on the shelf for a later time. I need to focus in on the projects and get them done correctly and not half assed. For about a month i've been in this sorta of half assed attitude/lifestyle, happens to everybody once in a while and then you look back and say what was wrong with me!? Well I kicked myself a bit and I am now ready to hit the books and keyboard hard. This week I plan on finishing the last project's right, finish this week's projects and get this blog caught up before I get drowned in unwritten post's. ====October 4,2015==== Thursday in class I had my first moment of enlightenment in this class(by visually seeing how linked list worked in an animation[visualgo.net])...It was great that after banging my head against a wall for I was able to make a whole large enough to look through. So I started working on some of the previous projects that I had failed miserable a week or two ago and had some success! Now I am sitting here late friday night trying to make some more sense of it. I had another moment of great enlightenment and haven't stopped working[Saturday 2:50am] in fear that I will take a break and have my brain forget the basics. So I stopped for a break[Saturday 5:00am ish] I had work all sunday and did not have time to finish as of yet. ====October 11,2015==== ====October 18, 2015==== ====October 25, 2015==== Well this past week I spent a lot of time in the lair, coding away and what not. I had several moments of enlightenment and it is great that I now have a grasp of what I am trying to do and implement in my code. It truly is confusing writing code for something when you don't know what you are trying to accomplish. Somehow I missed last week's blog entry, obviously an error on my part. Even though it won't count to my grade I am going to fill it in for completions sake...and it just looks nicer that way. I have also decided to start some Java programs that I will be documenting here. ====November 2, 2015==== ====November 9, 2015==== My opus is in need of some love. I feel like I haven't had time to do any work in the last to weeks. pedaling a bike with a broken chain. but I am starting to gain some traction. I was able to finish one of my java projects and I am now working on dll1 although dln0 and dll0 received almost no love.I strive to be a better data person lol. Hopefully I will have a lot of time in the next two days to work on dll1, but now I have to sleep. I haven't slept since Saturday afternoon. Brain Dead. ====November 16, 2015==== Once again I feel behind of schedule I somehow moved from 15 of 19 to 13 of 19 without much of a difference in my actual work accomplishment. I have an understanding of the material just not a great understanding of its implementation. I feel like break week would have been better served last week or this current week, I have been feeling groggy with the learning but I am still plugging away. I am currently working on the stack dnl0. it seems straight forward but I will work on it tommorrow when I am refreshed at college instead of banging my head. ====November 23, 2015==== Forgetting to edit this opus all the time, I need to edit this tonight so I can get some final credit to it. ====December 1, 2015==== Still needing to edit this, cause I am a loser.