====September 7, 2015==== Hey, this will be my fourth and final attempt at saving the universe. If I fail tell my family I love the and I will home to make dinner soon....As always I have not attempted to program anything since last semester. I even forgot how to use VI. Oh well enough dwelling on the past it is now time to man-up or cry like a baby. Okay, maybe I'll cry a little before this all starts. I am sure I get back into this once I start and he ideas begin to flow. ====September 10, 2015==== After careful procrastination, I have finished the project. I think I understand the assignment. I hopefully fulfilled its requirements. I found it easier to write code now that I have a reasonable comprehension of c language. I am still hesitant when it come to applying it to data structures though. I sort of understand the materials in class and am trying to bridge the gap of drawing the structure and writing code for it. I know at this point it is useless to ponder on it since we really have not yet touch bases on how to program to pointers to do what we need. ====September 16, 2015==== Wow its already been a week since I last wrote in here? Ok here goes everything. I am currently trying to finish the next installment of the second best class I have ever taken. I can not seem to get the concept down of drawing out the code first. Wish me luck. Its is already due and I have not yet started. ====September 21, 2015==== Again another week has past and I have yet to enter another opus entry. Again I knew this was going to be my down fall. I just have so much trouble keeping up with this entry. I believe I have the grasp of the concept of singly linked nodes. I can not believe that this was possible considering this last semester was next to nil. I am keeping up with assignments and this shocks no one more then myself! ====September 29, 2015==== The concept of singly linked list seem to elude me. Thanks to the help of my classmates, I am able to complete the assignment for this week. I do however get to concept of it and can explain it to my pet labs who do not seem to mind listening to a bunch of gibberish. ====October 5, 2015==== I am so distressed. I keep forgetting to update my opus. So here goes, I have been working on SLL1 everyday so far and have been banging it head against the wall repeatedly. I just cannot seem to get the concept as well as I need to. I get it using the drawings but I have trouble translating it to working code. I am hoping to get a lot of help to understand where I am going wrong. ====October 12, 2015==== The project extension was a very generous offer, but futile for me as I seem to fall well behind the curve for this project. It is only thanks to the help of my study group that I am able to get close to completion. I will however turn this project in short of stellar and just barely passing. I don't get it...I can explain it to others in the group but to implement it is a whole other animal for me. I understand the concept but putting it to code is really tough. ====October 20, 2015==== Why is it that no matter how much time I have on certain projects it doesn't seem enough time? To be honest, I really don't have time...with my kids and family demanding my time and the time intensive projects and other classes...I'm surprise that I am able to do as well as I am doing. Sometimes I feel like just giving up, if I spent too much time on school work my family feel neglected and vise versa. I just can not come on top no matter what. ====October 28, 2015==== Again I almost missed the opus entry. And again if it were not for my study group I would have nothing to turn in. I get the feeling that I am in over my head in this course. I have seriously considered going to a different major. My brother says that I am way ahead of where he was when he took this course...why do not believe that? I understand that I can read code and understand the logic but why am I having so much trouble coding itself? Don't know what to do, maybe will talk to adviser in the morning. ====November 5, 2015====