====MONTH Day, YEAR Is how the notes will go Mostly a **.**.** Order==== ==09.08.15== There seems to be no signs of intelligent life. Will up date. Pushed some pointer references to the repository ==09.10.15== Back to the old grind. If statements compiling things with the capital gcc -S will make the code into assembly language. If and else if, see note 09.10.15 ==09.17.15== Made it through the second project alive alone with all the various other tasks that need to be completed correctly ==09.21.15== Finishing up with the year and day project and trying to get an understanding of the next multiply by 11 project trying to get it all together. ==09.29.15== Another beautiful week in the eyes of the beholder, and the other things in the world. Working on the multiply by 11 with any 1,2, or 3 digit number. ==09.30.15== Finished with the multiply by 11 project see code below for all source #include int main() { int input, number, in1, in2, in3, sum1, sum2, sum3; int carry = 0; //Basic statement asking for user input, and above the variables are seen fprintf(stdout, "Enter a number from 1 to 999 that will be multiplied by 11: "); fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input); //Cheicking for the correct input here if((input <0) || (input >999)) { fprintf(stdout, "Invalid Number Entered\n"); return(0); } //Setting up the variables that we need to use for the correct procedure //Here we need to mod the input to get the right single digits if the number number=input; in1=input%10; input=input/10; in2=input%10; input=input/10; in3=input%10; //Summing up the first 2 numbers and seeing if we need to carry sum1 = in1 + in2; if(sum1>9) { sum1=sum1-10; carry=1; } else carry=0; //Same process but with 2nd and 3rd numbers sum2 = in2 + in3 + carry; if(sum1>9) { sum2=sum2-10; carry=1; } else carry=0; //Getting just the 3rd one and adding on the carry if needed sum3 = in3 + carry; //Adding up the final results and making sure the numbers are right fprintf(stdout, "%dx11=%d%d%d%d\n", number, sum3, sum2, sum1, in1); return(0); } ==10.06.15== Learning how to do pictures today ==10.08.15== Pretty Pictures Achieved ==10.20.15== Doing the things needed for the next project and updating some information appropriately . Need to work on some graphical designs and everything else. We have the from 9 project and the circle of squares due Wed 10/28. I also edited the crap out of the color scheme of vi and also changed the command line. ==10.27.15== Finished circle of squares and now working on subtraction from big number with 1 and lots of 0's on it ==11.3.15== I continue the daily grind trying not to make a joke out of myself continuously, its working moderately well and I have not been discovered as a super secret Russian spy and will continue my investigation of this culture and its inhabitants. I have discovered one being that is incapable of being able to readjust his screen size and his stench in repulsive. I will continue to assess this being as time goes on. It also appears that he has a moderate grip on the English language and can barely read any error prompts that come up on screen. ==11.10.15== Working on all the various tools that we have learned in the past and try to apply them to everyday usage. Also there are lots of projects that need to be worked on. ==11.19.15== Cprog has come a long way that from which we started from. We have learned alot and we were able to develop some various things and projects that we have worked on to fully be able to write a thing that works. ==12.1.15== Something back to work, doing things, work business stuff. Working on stuff business inc. foundation for the working. inputting words to acquire info, stuff.