13:ntr0:final tally of results (13/13) *:ntr0:customized journal (title and intro) [1/1] *:ntr0:joined discord chat [1/1] *:ntr0:submitted proper info.text file [1/1] *:ntr0:cloned lab46 mercurial repository into ~/src [1/1] *:ntr0:cloned lab46 semester repository into ~/src/SEMESTER [1/1] *:ntr0:submitted file called hello.c [1/1] *:ntr0:committed, pushed hello and info files to semester repo [1/1] *:ntr0:adequate commenting and indentation in hello.c [1/1] *:ntr0:executable runs without issue [1/1] *:ntr0:submits executables from two architectures [1/1] *:ntr0:output conforms to project specifications [1/1] *:ntr0:adequate modifications in hello.c [1/1] *:ntr0:no compiler messages for hello.c [1/1]